Volunteer Opportunities
Archer Street Elementary Tutoring
Members of South Shore Section, NCJW, have been tutoring in this very successful service project for a number of years! While our efforts are especially important to the students, they also prove to be rewarding to the volunteers. We ask for a commitment of just 1 1/2 hour weekly. Please contact Lydia Rosenbaum at rosebud66@optonline.net.
Back 2 School Store
One day event set up like a department store where low income elementary school children shop for new clothing and school supplies with a volunteer. On site information in child health and safety and family resources is provided for parents in “The Family Resource Center” while the children shop. Volunteers are needed during the year to be on the planning committee and also just for “day of the event.” Please contact Ilene Gold at drigoldtooth@aol.com. See PDF file for the Back 2 School brochure.
Volunteers are needed for our Thanksgiving food drive to help collect the items outside of designated grocery stores and then deliver the goods to the various local organizations in need. Volunteers are also needed for our Mother's Day project with shopping for the beauty products, making up the bags and then distributing them to designated women’s groups. Volunteers are also helpful with our annual school supply drive by collating the supplies and delivering them to the different organizations that work with children. Please contact Susan Rieff at ssrieff404@aol.com
Senior Club
Our Senior Club meets at the RVC Recreation Center on Mondays & Thursdays. It is open to the entire community (women and men over the age of 55). Mondays between 12 noon and 3PM participants play Maj Jongg, Bridge, & other small group games (scrabble, dominos, etc.). Thursday mornings (10am - 12 noon) we have a Painting class. Thursday afternoons (12 noon - 3pm) are dedicated to Duplicate Bridge. We serve Coffee, Tea and Refreshments. We also periodically arrange luncheons, theater and other group trips. Volunteers are needed for Monday afternoons. And all are welcome to come play! Please contact Beth Cohen at 516-238-1996.
The Trafficked TeensTM Project
Volunteers are needed to help us raise awareness about Sex Trafficking by educating the public about warning signs that a child could be a victim of sex trafficking. Volunteers escort fabricated life-sized, free-standing figures of teens and pre-teens, with the story of how each of them became a victim of sex trafficking. Please contact Ilene Gold at 516-764-5311 or drigoldtooth@aol.com.